Home » Historic Mt. Rainier Climb Launched From Fremont

Historic Mt. Rainier Climb Launched From Fremont

(l to r) Pranlobha, Nimdoma and Rupasi on the summit of Mt. Rainier on July 6, 2011, display the World Harmony Torch and Old Glory Photo by Gautami Skyrová

In July, the Silence-Heart-Nest staff hosted Nimdoma Sherpa, of the Kingdom of Nepal.  Nimdoma holds the record as the youngest woman ever to climb Mt. Everest.  She climbed at age 16, celebrated her birthday on the mountain and summited at age 17.

Now age 19, Nimdoma, the youngest woman ever to be on top of the world, has completed a mountain-climbing world tour including Mt. Rainier.  Thanks to her friends at Silence-Heart-Nest, Nimdoma received a free membership from Sound Mind & Body Gym for training after arriving in Seattle.

An international team of Pranlobha Kalajian of the USA (and Silence-Heart-Nest chef), Rupasi Petersen of the USA, Gautami Sykorová  of Canada, and Nimdoma of Nepal, completed the climb.

Nimdoma on the summit of Mt. Rainier on July 6, 2011 displaying the flag of her country of Nepal Photo by Gautami Skyrová

The journey began from Fremont, with a short meditation at the Sri Chinmoy statue along the Burke-Gilman Trail.  A few hours of travel and they trekked up to the Camp Muir base camp for two hours of rest.  They set off for the summit at midnight, saw sunrise at 12,500 feet, and reached the 14,410 ft. summit at 7 a.m. on July 6, 2011.

At the summit of Mt. Rainier, they held up flags representing Nepal, Mongolia and the USA, along with the World Harmony Run torch.

To read more about this historic event, visit the World Harmony Run site.