The ‘Fremont: Timber To Troll’ history project being compiled currently at History House of Greater Seattle continues to gather materials from Fremonsters of all times, talents and temperaments. Have you shared your story yet?
The final presentation of the student’s projects, the DVD and a possible art display has been rescheduled for November 17th to get more people, and their contributions, involved.
This collection of the history and cultural contributions of Fremont needs volunteers. Made possible by a City Of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Matching Grant, the project includes oral histories but also a ‘What Fremont Means To Me’ contest. With both student and adult categories, entrants can submit a photo, essay and/or art work.
Contact John Nordstrand at History House (john@historyhouse.org or 206/675-8817) for more information on the contest – or how you can lend your talents towards gathering and cataloguing Fremont as an icon.
And see you at History House on November 17th!