On Monday, February 27th, at 7p, at Doric Lodge #92, the Fremont Neighborhood Council (FNC) will host its monthly public meeting, with its Board of Directors. All Fremont residents are invited and encouraged to attend this informative meeting, to learn about issues facing our community and to raise your own concerns with this advocacy organization.
This month the FNC will formally discuss the H.A.L.A. process and proposals. H.A.L.A. (the Housing & Livability Agenda) has proposed changes to Seattle zoning and building rules under a 10-year goal intended to produce more affordable housing with a multi-pronged approach. Members of the FNC have been looking at the Agenda, and attending meetings across Seattle (up to 2 per week,) to try to follow what changes this will cause in Fremont.

The FNC will discuss the next steps it could take in addressing the H.A.L.A. process, and how to communicate neighborhood concerns on potential upzones and development with the City. Please come and learn and participate in this discussion.
In addition, the FNC will welcome a group of B.F. Day Elementary School parents including landscape architect Vinita Sidhu to share the latest on the improvements to the public playground at the school. The project has moved into the second phase, and the FNC will get an update on ways our community can help realize the next planned improvements.

The FNC will also hear updates on neighborhood projects, committee reports and the minutes from past meetings. The meeting will end at 8:30p, so please stop by for as long as you can to hear the latest on issues facing our neighborhood. You can also get the latest on the FNC website, or the FNC Facebook page.
The FNC holds meetings on the fourth Monday of each month, and the public is always invited to participate.