Every Wednesday, including July 9th, from 6:30p – 7:30p, at Balance Studio, drop-in for a Capoeira for Beginners class. Learn the unique movements, technique, history and music of Capoeira Regional as you gain physical and aerobic conditioning through exercise that targets strength, stamina, reflexes, speed, flexibility and balance.
Starting with the basic ginga step, and advancing with emphasis on technique and style, students work individually as well as with partners and in groups. Also, they will learn the history of Capoeira Regional and its founder, Mestre Bimba, the rhythms and songs of Capoeira, and the instruments integral to Capoeira: Pandeiro, A-go-go, Atabaque, and Berimbau. Classes gradually combine all the elements of song, music, and movement as students learn to play in a roda (circle) with others.
Balance Studio offers the Capoeira for Beginners class as a series, or drop-in for $15 per student per class. For more information, stop by Balance Studio on Wednesday at 6:30p – or visit the Balance Studio website. Also, check out Capoeira classes for youth!