Dinosaur-themed rock trio Majungas has recorded a song called ‘The Fremont Troll.’ Our curmudgeonly neighbor has inspired a lot of visual art, but now we have a song to serenade him by. Stream the song, for free, from the Majungas website.
From Chicago, Majungas has become known for storytelling song lyrics centered around bizarre characters and quirky situations, and live shows where they don costumes and play comedic video segments between/and during songs.

During a visit to Seattle last year, Majungas’ chief songwriter Mike Gentile found inspiration in Fremont, and our Troll. The Dino Topiaries, and “the community’s creativity and sense of humor,” stood out for Gentile. “With such an artistic neighborhood and so many local musicians,” he thought, “someone must have done a song about The Troll.”
Based on subsequent research, Gentile has reason to believe Majungas is actually the first band to record a song about the concrete giant – the second most visited tourist site in Seattle. The song takes the view from the frozen Troll, trapped beneath the bridge and subjected to hundreds of visitors climbing over him all year round, and finally able to escape his nest. Troll on!
Visit the Majungas website to hear the song, and find out when they might be touring here to play it. Also, check out a Ballard News Tribune article from April about the song, and the local sites that inspired it.