On Tuesday, February 14th, at 7:10p, the Fremont Arts Council (FAC) will host its monthly public meeting to discuss upcoming activities including planning for the upcoming Petit Troll Parade and elections for its Board of Directors. The meeting, called the C.O.W., will take place in the FAC’s inspirational workshop space, The Powerhouse.
In acknowledgement of the Day of Love & Friendship, otherwise known as Valentine’s Day, the FAC will also give time during this meeting to making valentines. The Powerhouse has masses of glue guns, tape, colored crayons and other foofau for decorating cool cards – and participants can bring their own arts & crafts. Best of all, being the FAC, there are plenty of people around to assist, aid and advise.
Come learn more about the plans and possibilities of the Fremont Arts Council, while making and discussing art. The public is welcome at the COW on Tuesday, February 14th, starting at 7:10p. Learn more about the FAC on the website, or the FAC Facebook page.