On Monday, May 24th, Candidate for City of Seattle Mayor Lance Randall met with business owners from around Fremont, and beyond. He sought their support, and a chance to share the platform on which he has built his campaign.

At Fremont Mischief Distillery, Candidate Lance Randall met with citizens concerned about public safety, distraught about the homeless, and distressed about the economic downturns brought on by the pandemic. He shared his plans for our creative and prosperous city, about his personal history, and the reasons he wants to become Mayor of Seattle. He encourages voters to research his candidacy on LanceRandall2021.com (click here.)

Randall plans to submit for Democracy Vouchers, so he was also collecting the signatures and donations he needs to be eligible. The Democracy Voucher program, unique to Seattle, is a type of public campaign financing. Learn more on the Seattle.gov webpage (click here.)

Not all candidates will participate in the Democracy Vouchers program. Seattle City Council candidate Sara Nelson, a Fremont business owner, isn’t participating in Democracy Vouchers, but she is seeking support – and she also attended the safe, socially distanced gathering at Fremont Mischief.

Candidate for Seattle City Council Position #9, Nelson attended the gathering to show her support for Mayoral Candidate Randall. Both have worked in Seattle City government in the past, and both know the importance of supporting our small businesses – the largest employers in our region. Council Candidate Nelson also wants to put ‘results before rhetoric’ by demanding measurable results on issues like homelessness.

Both candidates encourage voters to do the research, and see the difference in the candidates running for Seattle City Council (Positions #8 & #9,) Seattle Mayor, and Seattle City Attorney. Find a complete list of the candidates on the King County Elections website (click here,) and get ready for the Primary Election on August 3rd, 2021.