On Wednesday, May 22nd, from 7p – 9p, the Fremont Arts Council will host a wine-and-cheese reception for the artist’s selected as winners of this year’s Dave McKay Grants at the Fremont Abbey Arts Center, lower floor.
Celebrate the art of parade making and hear the plans of some of the Solstice artists for their ensembles for 2013. The 25th Solstice Parade promises to be bigger and better than ever, and the artists already have big ideas to share – and volunteers to recruit. Come be inspired, or find something that you want to give time to see realized!
Also, Solstice Parade Photographers will show their work and documentation from parades past at the reception on May 22nd at 7p. For anyone who wants to become a Parade Photographer for 2013, the MANDATORY safety meeting will take place on Saturday, June 15th at 9a at the Powerhouse (3940 Fremont Ave N.) Only a limited number (50) of passes will be distributed to photographers wishing to capture the color and celebration from the street. Anyone who wants to become an official Solstice Parade photographer – and can attend the mandatory meeting on June 15th – also must fill out a press pass agreement.
For more information, send questions to parade@fremontartscouncil.org or visit the FAC website.