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Meet Your Candidates for City Council At The FNC Annual Meeting

Meet and greet our candidates for Seattle City Council on April 22nd
Meet and greet our candidates for Seattle City Council on April 22nd

On Monday, April 22nd, at 7p, at the Doric Lodge, the Fremont Neighborhood Council (FNC) Annual Meeting will offer everyone, Fremonster or not, a chance to meet the candidates for Seattle City Council for Districts #4 and #6.  At Beverages & Ballots, find out about who will potentially represent the needs of Fremont, as well as our neighbors.

Come attend this special meeting of the FNC, where all can mingle, ask questions and chat with Council candidates.  FNC members, and guests, will also be able to vote by straw poll – with members given more ballots.  (Join the FNC on-line – click here.)  Refreshments will be provided, and attendance is free.

This Fall, Seattle voters will choose seven people to serve on the City Council – people who will direct the future of our city and our neighborhood.  In this election, these seven seats on the Council will be chosen from the seven districts.  Fremont is divided between two districts, District #4 and #6.  The Councilmembers, Rob Johnson and Mike O’Brien, who have served in these seats are not returning, so voters need to select new people for these seats – candidates that will best represent our needs.

Fremont lies between two Seattle Voting Districts, which gives it two representatives on the City Council.
Fremont lies between two Seattle Voting Districts, which gives it two representatives on the City Council.

It is therefore of vital importance that all Seattle voters meet the candidates currently registered to run for their Districts.  The only way to get a City Council that represents us, and will legislate for us, is to vote in the people that will do the job.

Attend the FNC meeting on April 22nd to meet and greet the District Candidates for our area (west of the Fremont Troll is District #6, and east is District #4) while also learning about the important work of advocacy and representation done by the Neighborhood Council.  Find out more about the FNC, including membership, on the website, or the FNC Facebook page.