Our transit service, through King County METRO, cut service during the pandemic. As they start to transition and gradually restore suspended service, METRO wants to bring transit to those areas that need it most.
In order to make informed service decisions, for METRO customers, community feedback is being requested to a short survey (click here.) Responses are requested before Monday, March 8th at 11:59p.
The survey is being conducted in multiple languages, in an attempt to reach those riders who might not be fluent in English. Please share this information, and these links, for the survey in:
- English – https://bit.ly/3tze5aN
- Spanish – https://bit.ly/3aQkm9z
- Vietnamese – https://bit.ly/3jtVYyl
- Chinese – https://bit.ly/3q2asrF
- Korean – https://bit.ly/3aPLeX9
- Arabic – https://bit.ly/2YXogYx

As our region, hopefully, recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, local travel may increase and METRO plans to systematically restore transit service as available resources allow. Community input, especially from those who use (or would use) METRO for travel, will help transit planners recommend where priority service changes should be, in September 2021.
METRO believes, looking forward, that public transit can be at the heart of a successful recovery from the coronavirus health and economic crises. Please consider responding to the survey, and sharing the links with those who also either ride or would ride METRO to get around our region.
For more information, visit the METRO website (click here.)