Home » Moisture Festival Family Mourns A Tragedy

Moisture Festival Family Mourns A Tragedy

Photo of Drew Keriakedes (as Schmootzi The Clod) and Joseph Albanese (as Meshugunah Joe) Photo provided by Moisture Festival

The tragedy that hit Seattle on May 30th, 2012 at Café Racer also shattered the Moisture Festival family.  Two of the victims of the terrible shooting that took place were Drew Keriakedes and Joseph Albanese.  These two talented musicians and entertainers were closely connected and involved with the Moisture Festival since its early days.

As members of Circus Contraption, and later as God’s Favorite Beefcake, Schmootzi The Clod and Meshugunah Joe were considered close friends of many of the volunteers, producers, tech crew and performers of Moisture Festival.  The news of their senseless deaths has been devastating, heartbreaking and unbelievable.

The huge outpouring of grief, and support for those grieving, has provided been a welcome balm, as have community efforts such as a recent memorial gathering at Hale’s Palladium for families and friends of the victims.  Funds raised that evening through personal donations and bar sales will go into a fund created for the victim’s families.

This fund can still accept donations at ChipIn: Victims of Cafe Racer Shooting.  Also, a memorial website has been created at www.caferacerlove.org

That tragic day has left a field of victims behind.  Please do what you can, through donations or simple support, to help our community heal.