On Monday, February 17th, at 6p, at Hale’s Palladium, the Moisture Festival will once-again host its amazing, and highly entertaining (and hopefully motivational,) Volunteer Meeting & (Re)Orientation. Come enjoy the party, sign-up to volunteer for a shift during this month-long vaudeville showcase… and bring a friend.
At the meeting, learn about volunteer sign-ups, different roles available, the schedule (and venues,) and everything else needed. Team leaders and the Festival Producers will be on-hand to answer questions.

For those new to Moisture Festival, this is a great way to find out about the nitty-gritty of volunteering for this legendary, and community-based, production. Get a chance to hear details, as well as talking with returning volunteers and experienced team leaders to get the real skinny.

For returning volunteers, well, this is it! A fabulous Festival party, Moisture-style, with friends you remember and the new ones you’ll gain. Celebrate another exciting year of Moisture Festival, while enjoying pizza and beverages courtesy of MF’s great sponsors and donors.
No RSVP is needed, and everyone is encouraged to bring a friend or two! For returning volunteers, this meeting isn’t required but for those interested in volunteering for the first time – you want to be there! Plus, it’s a party at the Palladium!