On Monday, May 28th, Seattle Public Utilities has announced regular collection of garbage, food & yard waste, and recycling – in spite of the National Memorial Day Holiday. All Fremonsters with Monday as collection day should see that their containers are put out, like usual, by 7am on May 28th.
In addition, the City of Seattle North Recycling & Disposal Station – the Transfer Station – will be open regular business hours of 8a – 5:30p. The South Station will also be open. For those planning to spend the day, or the weekend, cleaning out the house or yard, the stations are open to accept it.
Seattle Public Utilities also issued an important ‘Safe Spring Cleaning Tip’ about careful disposal of all chemicals. Bug sprays, automotive products, lawn & garden chemicals, drain & oven cleaners, paint strippers, home maintenance products, and medicines can grow MORE hazardous as they age.

Any hazardous product will state ‘CAUTION,’ ‘WARNING,’ ‘DANGER,’ or ‘POISON’ on the label – and cannot be disposed of in the regular trash. Please deliver them to a Hazardous Waste Collection sites, at no charge. Call 1-888-TOXIC-ED, or visit the website, for more information.
Remember, children can confuse household products with food, and they don’t read labels. During the summer, with the kids home and potentially less supervision, it would be safer not to have the containers around. Reduce your stash of hazardous products, and find safer alternatives as a way to make your home safer. To do so, check out this website list of Household Hazardous Products.
To learn more about Seattle Public Utilities, and safe disposal, visit them on-line.