Saturday, November 1st, is the day to set your clocks back one-hour. At 2a on November 2nd, all timetables turn back one hour to give us more morning light and a shockingly short afternoon of light, as we start Daylight Saving Time.
This is also a good time to test the smoke detectors, at home and work, and change out the batteries. Batteries can fail any time, and a smoke detector is not the place to store dead batteries. Replace all your batteries at one time and save yourself middle-of-the-night beep searches. Alkaline batteries, such as the AA, AAA, C, 9-volt and D, can either be disposed in Seattle’s curbside garbage cans, Ni-Cad and Lithium rechargeable and other hazardous batteries can be disposed of free of charge for recycling at Seattle’s Household Hazardous Waste stations and other convenient locations, such as Whole Foods.
This is also a good time, Seattle Public Utilities suggests, to replace burned-out light bulbs with energy-efficient CFL light bulbs. Old fluorescent bulbs and tubes can be disposed of free of charge at Seattle’s Household Hazardous Waste stations and several other convenient locations, including Bartell Drug stores. Incandescent light bulbs can be disposed in the garbage.
For information on where to dispose of household hazardous waste, including station locations and hours, visit the Hazardous Waste Help website or call 206/296-4692.