On April 30th, Fremont lost one of its greatest supporters. George Heideman, A.I.A., gave decades of service to our community, where he worked and lived, and died at age 91. On Sunday, May 31st, a memorial service will be held from 1p – 4p, in the private home of one of Heideman’s many friends.
Heideman served on the Fremont Arts Council, the Fremont Chamber of Commerce and the Fremont Neighborhood Council – often providing these organizations with a much-needed liaison. A dependable, dedicated volunteer, Heideman is to be credited with much of what this community has come. Read one brief column on Heideman’s contributions from the North Seattle Herald Outlook.
Professionally, Heideman also left his mark on our community, having lent his considerable skills to many of our buildings – including renovations of old buildings. Heideman helped design the remodel of the Fremont Tavern into the iconic Red Door.
The Center of the Universe owes much to this stalwart and always steady volunteer, and friend. Those close friends who would like to attend the memorial service for George Heideman may contact dofremont@box2219.temp.domains for an address and directions.