Over the next three weekends, volunteers are vitally needed to help build a new playground on the Upper Playfields at B.F. Day School. Best of all, the new play area was designed by the students.
On Saturday, August 19th, people are needed to prepare the play area, alongside a contingent of volunteers from The Hallows Church.
All hands are needed for Saturday, August 26th when the play equipment will be assembled. Volunteers are needed for two shifts of work, with training done at the start, and light refreshments provided. Even if you can’t work a whole shift, even an hour or two of help would be appreciated.
Sign-up on-line for a shift for either weekend – or the last work party, on September 2nd, when volunteers will spread pea gravel and wood chips. We need volunteers to get the job done, and a safe, new play area to be built for our kids, please!