Please vote by August 2nd! Registered voters should have received a ballot in mid-July, and right now is an excellent time to sit down and fill it out – and mail it or drop it in a King County ballot drop-box (the closest to Fremont is at the Ballard Branch Library,) by Tuesday, August 2nd.
This ballot has a large number of important primary races on it, with the candidates vying for a spot on the final ballot in November. It is urgent that voters select strong, representative candidates on this ballot, so that we can vote for them in November.
From this ballot two candidates will be selected to run for United States Senator, United States Representative District #7, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Auditor, Commissioner of Public Lands, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Insurance Commissioner, Legislative Representative District #43, and two judgeships. To get quality candidates on the final ballot, voters must elect quality candidates now!

Perhaps more importantly, on this ballot voters will have one opportunity to choose on:
- Initiative #123 – building a mile-long elevated park out of the existing Alaskan Way Viaduct, by establishing a public development authority to design and find funds for it
- Proposition #1 – renewing an increased property tax levy, to fund affordable housing for low-income seniors, the disabled, the mentally ill, and the homeless, along with funding homelessness prevention programs and emergency rental assistance
The ability to vote is a privilege – and a responsibility. Please take a few minutes and exercise your right, and freedom, to vote. Return your ballot to King County Elections by August 2nd.