Home » Quiz Night, At Pecado Bueno, To Benefit B.F. Day

Quiz Night, At Pecado Bueno, To Benefit B.F. Day

Quiz Night for Day 3 will take place on November 4th at 7:30p at Pecado Bueno
Quiz Night for Day 3 will take place on November 4th at 7:30p at Pecado Bueno

It’s been two sad and empty years since the last ‘Quiz Night for Day,’ but it’s time again, on November 4th starting at 7:30p, for a night of trivia, tacos and too much fun at Pecado Bueno.  For $25 per person, enjoy the evening while knowing 100% of the money goes to benefit the B.F. Day Elementary School P.T.S.A.

This massively fun, pub-style trivia night is played by teams of four.  Create a clever name for your team, and register through the Quiz Night blog site or the Facebook Events page.  Your team will feast on tacos and appetizers to share – but your bar tab is your own.

If you scream at Alex Trebeck, and/or go to pub trivia every week you are able, if you love knowing that you know things and love to learn about things, go to Pecado Bueno with your friends and flex your mental muscles surrounded by deliciousness.

If you want to support teachers teaching about the Mars Rover, about the worlds of Dahl and Tolkien, about how a rook or a bishop moves, about the works of Beethoven, Mozart, Gates and Jobs, and about the classification of birds or insects, sign up yourself and your friends for Quiz Night.  Your support is truly a gift to the children of our community – and those of us that will be led by them in the future.

Quiz Night For Day 3 will unite learning and eating to benefit our public school.  Register now or just show up and see if there is room for another person who wants to participate at Pecado Bueno on November 4th at 7:30p.