This Saturday, on May 13th, from 11a – 1p, the Fremont Historical Society will kick-off celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the opening of the Fremont Cut of the Lake Union Ship Canal, and the Fremont Bridge. Attend the reception to learn more about this important milestone celebration.
The Fremont Historical Society has put together ‘From Ross Creek to the Ship Canal: How The Canal Impacted Fremont,’ a photo display with stories and maps. For the next month, at the Fremont Branch of the Seattle Public Library, learn about the significant impacts the Ship Canal, including construction of the Hiram M Chittenden Locks.
On May 13th, members of the Historical Society will be on-hand to answer questions, and hear your stories about the Canal and the Bridge. Light refreshments will be served, for free, for people of all ages.
At 1p, also on May 13th at the Fremont Branch Library, Jennifer Ott will share stories from a collection she co-authored with David B. Williams. Their new historical book, ‘Waterway: The Story of Seattle’s Locks and Ship Canal’, reveals the false starts and political shenanigans behind building these engineering triumphs. Ott will also share information from the book on the far-reaching social, economic, and environmental impacts of the Canal’s construction and operation.
The 100th Anniversary Celebration will continue after May 13th, with events at the Ballard Locks, including a recreation of the historic boat parade down the Fremont Cut – from the Locks to Lake Union – on July 9th from 11a – 2p. A Centennial Bike Ride will take place along the same route, complimentary to the boat parade. Find out more about this important celebration on May 13th at the Fremont Historical Reception, or at MakingTheCut100.org
On May 20th, from Noon – 5p, our community is invited to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the B.F. Day Elementary School – Seattle’s oldest operating public school. The B.F. Day P.T.S.A. is hosting a Carnival, with games, music, entertainment, tours and prizes. In addition, the Fremont Arts Council will open the Powerhouse workshop, for further tours of the B.F. Day campus.
All of these exciting celebrations are free, and family-friendly. Please join in the acknowledgement and appreciation we all share for these accomplishments.