A few spaces remain in the Seattle workshop, September 26th – 28th, of ‘The Painting Experience’. Discounts are available for those seeking to boost their creativity, and their personal awareness, through this popular workshop. Taught by Stewart Cubley and Annie Rosseau, ‘The Painting Experience’ will be held in Doric Lodge #92.
Everyone enters ‘The Painting Experience’ as a beginner. The goal is free-expression, with an emphasis on the creative process, rather than technique or expertise. ‘The Painting Experience’ is an opportunity to embark on the greatest of all human journeys – embracing your own path and confidently following it. Learn more at ‘The Painting Experience’ website, and the Fremocentrist column.
Register on-line for your place by September 20th and receive a $75 discount. Refer a friend, who registers by September 20th, and both receive a $75 discount. Continuing participants receive another $100 discount. Tuition normally costs $425 per person, plus $25 for materials, but refer enough friends and pay nothing but your materials cost.