In November, the Rotary Club of Fremont presented two annual awards. In 2009, the Fremont Rotary (also known as the Fremont Fun Club) decided to formally name these awards in the name of their founding president, the late John M. Rose. Rose embodied many of the high ethical standards envisioned in these awards – and practiced by those to whom it is given. This year, the winners are Roxy’s Diner, for the Vocational Service Award, and Stacy Heilgeist, for the Community Service Award.
For the month of December, a billboard – donated by Clear Channel – will acknowledge the selfless acts performed by these generous people. In November, both Heilgeist and Peter Glick, owner of Roxy’s Diner, were honored at both a Fremont Rotary meeting and the Fremont Chamber of Commerce breakfast. Heilgeist has given her time to organizing little league sports in Ballard, and around Seattle. Roxy’s has given ingredients for sandwiches made monthly by the Fremont Rotary, and donated to area homeless shelters – as well as donating food to many other area groups including Moisture Festival and the Seattle Art Cars.
The Rotary motto is ‘Service Above Self,’ a pledge Rotarians have put into action for more than a century. To find out more about the Rotary Club of Fremont, and the work and fellowship of Rotary International, visit their website to get an invite to one of their weekly meetings at Hale’s Ales Brewery.