The Rotary Club of Fremont members continue to sell raffle tickets to raise money for their many wonderful projects. For $30, take a chance to win a cruise to Alaska (makes a great gift!,) plus $600 cash. The odds are very good, as Fremont Rotary President, Todd Holec, acknowledged that the club may sell a total of 600 tickets. As of mid-May, he estimated, they’d sold approximately 200. A .pdf on their website gives more details including how to buy a ticket, or two!
The raffle ticket drawing will be held Tuesday, June 14th at their weekly meeting. On Thursday, June 16th, from 5:30p – 7:30p, the Fremont Rotary will hold a benefit to eradicate malaria, at Fremont Studios. Tickets cost $20 per person (cash or check only,) with 100% of the tax-deductible donation going to buy mosquito nets for Zambia.

According to Scientific American magazine, “More people have died from malaria than any other disease in history.” Mosquito nets have proven to be the most effective (and safe) way to fight Africa’s number one killer of children. Nets purchased will be distributed by Rotarians and community health workers in Zambia.

The benefit includes live music, games and information on eradicating malaria, including a power-point presentation. Also, enjoy drinks (including non-alcoholic) and delicious appetizers from Silence-Heart-Nest and Tall Grass Bakery. A special screening of the TriBeCa Film Festival entry Challenging Impossibility! will take place. This documentary details the uplifting journey taken by spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy, and shows how one man inspired himself and the world.
The nets for Zambia project is being overseen by PATH. Contributors to the benefit also include Hale’s Ales and Jewelry by Regina Chang. For more information, check out the .pdf on the Rotary Club of Fremont website.