On Sundays Salsa Con Todo offers weekly drop-in classes in Argentine Tango, and starting in March, they will be adding a short but sweet Social Dance.
On Sundays, at 7p, Gwen Richards teaches a ‘Back to Basics’ class in Argentine Tango. The class will work on the basics, including walking, connection, and musicality, along with drills and a whole lotta fun! All levels are welcome, and no need to pre-register. Class costs $5, payable at the door.
On first & third Sundays, follow-up the Argentine Tango class (or not) with the ‘Tango Para Todo’ social dances hosted by Jennifer Bruner. On March 5th, at 8p, join the first of these short and sweet two-hour sessions, dancing at SCT to music chosen by DJ Saeed Zadeh. ‘Tango Para Todo’ costs $5 per person, also payable at the door.
Find more on these two Tango times, along with other classes and social dances, on the Salsa Con Todo website.