This summer, now that school is out, construction will be going on at B.F. Day Elementary School.
With grant funds awarded in June 2013, from the state legislature, this summer new bike racks, gathering areas with seating and pavers giving historical information on the 100-year-old school will be installed. These same funds were also used on portions of the phase one of the improvements to the B.F. Day playground including a new play area, sport court and garden beds.
Construction is expected to take approximately 6 – 8 weeks, and to be completed before school starts in the fall. Construction will necessitate closure of the front lawn and main center doors while work is going on, but the north door will be open for access. The contractor will be using some parking spaces during the work, and use the northwest corner of the playground for staging.
Questions on this construction project, or the B.F. Day Playground Improvement Project in general, can be sent to kanderson11@comcast.net