The vegetarian oasis, Silence-Heart-Nest, has closed after 34 years of serving delicious meals to its strong, supportive community of customers.
Last week, the sign went up in the windows announcing that the restaurant is once again For Sale. Last year, the original owners put the business up for sale after working exhaustively for over three decades. When their son moved back to town and chose to take over operations, the Fremont community cheered his efforts, including those made to re-invent Silence-Heart-Nest as more of an evening/dinner site.

As the COVID-19 pandemic, and efforts to avoid transmission, shutdown dining rooms, and shifted customers to delivery and pick-up of meals, Silence-Heart-Nest struggled to survive.
Unfortunately, it appears as those these efforts weren’t successful and on the Silence-Heart-Nest website (click here,) there is an announcement of this permanent closure. There is also contact information for anyone interested in purchasing this long-standing, long-successful restaurant.
Meanwhile, while diners will mourn the loss of this eatery, they can know that the staff and management, who have become part of the Fremont community, will stay connected. The sculpture of Sri Chinmoy, on private property at the Fremont mouth of the Lake Washington Ship Canal, will stay in their care and continue to receive regular maintenance.