Fremont-based restaurants band together to stave off the chill of a wet winter with a neighborhood soup walk! ‘It’s not the end of the world until we run out of soup!’ The Soupocalypse is descending January 27th through January 31st, for dine-in and take-out soups from several sensational spots around the Center of the Universe.
Support our Fremont chefs, and their best bowls of hearty, winter soups, and gather stamps on a passport to win a prize basket of goodies. Each restaurant, and chef, will be bringing their best to the bowl. Check out these options:
- Creole crawfish gumbo or a mushroom ‘cappuccino’ bisque from Mischief On Canal
- Vegan-style soups from Meesha
- Seafood bisque with an andouille corn dog or chicken chili with cornbread from Triangle Spirits

“We all know that small businesses don’t work without the support of each other, our neighbors, and our community,” said Chef Hattie Mason of The Barrel Thief, “We are grateful for the support we have received during COVID, and though there is hope on the horizon, let’s keep the cycle going by promoting one another and what we all have to offer.”
Joining the fun is easy! Visit any of the participating eateries including:
- Shawn O’Donnell’s Irish Pub & American Grill
- El Camino
- Local Tide
- Paseo
- Esters Enoteca
- Nuna Ramen
- Norm’s Eatery & Ale House
- Triangle Spirits
- Meesha
- The Barrel Thief
- Mischief On Canal
More restaurants are still signing up, and prizes are being added to the passport drawing. Find out more on the Fremont Mischief website (click here,) and enjoy your steaming soup during the Soup-ocalypse while it lasts!!