The annual celebration of Fremont may have changed to better accommodate the needs of our social-distancing safety, but it is coming up next week, June 15th – 20th will all kinds of Summer Solstice Art Week activities!
The Center of the Universe activates to celebrate art in its many forms during this five-day showcase of handmade arts, crafters, musicians, sculptures, painting, circus and Art Cars. As we all await the safe and full re-opening of our community, once everyone is free from the dangers of COVID-19, the Fremont Chamber and the Fremont Arts Council (FAC) will bring Summer Solstice Art Week to our neighborhood.

The Fremont Sunday Market, Seattle Art Cars, FAC Solstice Parade floats, UpUpUp Inc and dozens of muralists, musicians, dancers and acrobats will be contributing to this COVID-compliant, arts and culture experience. Find pop-up art installations in all corners of the Fremont, with whimsical turns on every block, and a self-guided tour of the entirely unique and potentially largest public art collection in any Center of the Universe!
“The Fremont Fair and the Fremont Art Council’s Solstice Parade will return in 2022,” acknowledged Phil Megenhardt, of Bold Hat, producers of the Fair and facilitators of the Summer Solstice Art Week. “We’re encouraged by the progress made in our community toward pandemic recovery, but it’s simply too soon to gather and celebrate Solstice like Seattle has come to know and love. We’ll be ready for a proper celebration when the time is right.”

Schedule details, and the self-guided art tour, can be found on the FremontFair.com, but be sure to see:
Saturday, June 19th – Fremont Arts Council stationary floats on-display around the ‘hood
- Noon – 4p, Seattle Art Cars on the U-Park Lot at N 35th & Phinney Ave N
- Noon – 5p, Live Performances on the Peninsula Parking Lot at Canal St & N 35th including the UpUpUp Inc crane circus at 1p & 3p
- Pop-Ups by the Moon Dancers, and some Painted Cyclists
Sunday, June 20th – Fremont Arts Council stationary floats on-display
- 10a – 4p, the Fremont Sunday Market with its collection of treasures and treats for sale
- Noon – 5p, An Art Car Tailgate on the U-Park Lot at N 35th & Phinney Ave N
- Noon – 5p, Live Performances on the Peninsula Parking Lot including the UpUpUp Inc crane circus at 1p & 3p
Additional activities and celebrations will be added daily at FremontFair.com (click here,) as well as surprise pop-ups happening as the spirit moves the artists of Fremont throughout the Summer Solstice Art Week. We hope to see you here!