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Call For Artists – Affordable Housing Development by CCS

Catholic Housing Services seeks an artist to create a permanent display for the new affordable housing building being developed at 4251 Aurora Avenue North (the former Thunderbird Motel site.) The selected artist will create a mosaic/mural for the approximately 15’ long x 5’ tall area above the computer workstations, for a $1,500 stipend to cover time and materials. Preference will be given to members of the Fremont Arts Council, and/or artists who have ties to the Fremont community.

‘The Painting Experience’ Workshop On Whidbey In April

The popular workshop that emphasizes free expression and creativity will be offered on Whidbey Island from April 11th – 14th. For those who have enjoyed ‘The Painting Experience’ when offered in Fremont in the fall, or those who’ve wanted to attend but couldn’t find time for it in October, sign-up now for an opportunity to spend 2 ½ days being inspired.