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Vital Volunteer Help Needed For The 2015 Solstice Parade

On June 20th, at 3p, the 27th Annual Solstice Parade, as produced by the Fremont Arts Council (FAC), takes to the streets of our fun and festive community. This outrageous spectacle requires hundreds of volunteers to create – and two particular volunteer positions are absolutely vital. Can you consider helping, and recruiting friends to help as well?

Help Hallows Church Pants Drive for Teens

Help Seattle teens fulfill a tangible need! Hallows Church is holding a drive in April for new yoga or sweatpants for teenage boys and girls in the Washington State foster care system and the REST (Real Escaped from the Sex Trade) program.

Vote On Names For Fremont Dinos, With Fremont Rotary

The Rotary Club of Fremont is holding a public vote to discover the names of the Fremont Dino topiaries. Long referred to as ‘Mama & Baby,’ the wise minds of the Official Dino Caretakers heard a whisper that these Fremonsters want us to figure out their names – and that they may not even be female… (A fact in serious doubt by this writer!)