Home » Take Another Stab In The Dark With Another Upcoming Blind Café

Take Another Stab In The Dark With Another Upcoming Blind Café

On October 15th, 16th & 17th, The Blind Café returns to Seattle, and NalandaWest, for six more seatings of this innovative social change and education program.  For three nights, at 6p and 8:30p each night, people can enjoy a delicious vegetarian meal while indulging in a sensory experience and learning about the ways blind members of our community navigate the sighted world.

Tickets to Blind Café include dinner, a glass of wine (or other thirst-quenching beverage,) an amazing dark chocolate dessert, live music by Rosh & The Blind Café Orchestra, and a question-and-answer discussion with your blind wait staff and keynote speaker.

Produced by the Colorado based Blind Café, operating under a non-profit 501(c)3 partnership, they have been delivering unique and inspiring positive social change events since 2010.  Take part in The Blind Café in Seattle, to eat in complete darkness and participate in a discussion facilitated by legally blind volunteers.  Purchase tickets, sold on a sliding scale, through The Blind Café website – for an evening never to be forgotten!