This week models of three iconic Northwest ships landed in Fremont at History House of Greater Seattle. The HMS Discovery, the SS Beaver and the Schooner Exact arrived at the museum of neighborhood history for a limited engagement.
The large, meticulously crafted models representing Pacific Northwest maritime icons were created by the Discovery Modelers Education Center of Seattle.
The HMS Discovery model measures 14 feet long, and represents the ship captained by George Vancouver on his naming exploration of the Puget Sound in 1791.
The 10’ long model of the Schooner Exact recreates the ship that carried the first shipload of settlers to Elliott Bay, on November 13, 1851. The Denny Party founded the settlement of ‘New York Alki’ after sailing to this area on the Exact.
The Hudson Bay Company’s Side-wheel Steamer – the SS Beaver – started her maiden voyage on the Columbia River. This careful recreation of the 100 foot, 187 ton, brigantine rigged ship measures 12 feet long. It once protected an agricultural settlement at Fort Nisqually on the upper Puget Sound, but now stands sentry in the lobby of History House.
Stop by and see the models, the ‘Fremont: Timber to Troll’ display, and the life-sized recreation of the set of The J.P. Patches Show. The museum is open Thursday – Sunday from Noon – 5p. Entry is free, although donations are gratefully accepted.
This is a great activity for the Holiday Break, or any time you need to get out of the rain, muck and/or cold!