Home » Transportation Projects Continue; Survey On METRO Route #40

Transportation Projects Continue; Survey On METRO Route #40

Earlier this week, the City of Seattle issued a statement that the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is planning to continue with construction in our area.  They are working closely with their partners at the Seattle & King County Public Health Department, to keep everyone supporting the projects safe.  If there are any changes to the construction schedule, they will send out notices.

Learn more about steps being taken to protect the health of our community, and recommendations on how to slow the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the number of people infected, at KingCounty.gov/COVID (click here.)


One project in the works are efforts by King County METRO and SDOT to increase the speed and reliability of the Route #40 bus route, with the Route 40 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor project.

With 3 million annual rides, Route #40 has the third-highest ridership of all of the King County METRO bus routes.  Route #40 runs 13.5 miles, and serves Northgate, Crown Hill, Loyal Heights, Ballard, Fremont, South Lake Union, Downtown Seattle, and Pioneer Square.

The project concerns reviewing corridor needs, and identifying community priorities.  To that end, please consider answering a survey (click here,) to give design feedback.  Please, also share the survey with others – friends, family, and neighbors.

Improvements will be worked in to a final design, with construction to begin as soon as 2022 and completed in 2024.

More community engagement will be coming on the project, with on-line or in-person opportunities later this spring.  However, if you have questions now, contact 206/775-8731 or Route40@seattle.gov