With heavy hearts, the owners of Vif Wine|Coffee, Lauren Feldman & Shawn Mead, have announced that the store & café will be closing at the end of December 2021. After eight and a half years, and hundreds of customers (and their kids) coming through, the natural wine shop will be consolidating in its partner business, Petite Soif at 3309A Beacon Ave South.
The property, which previously housed drive-up eateries like Herfy’s and Winchell’s, is now slated to be developed into a 5-story mixed-use building of 106 residential units and parking.

Vif’s owners knew it could happen, no matter how charming they found the existing building, the property’s owner could choose to develop it. Vif’s owners have also seen the COVID pandemic, and the restrictions it required, take its toll on their business.
Please come by and say farewell to this wonderful shop and café – and to the staff and owners – before it closes at the end of the month. If you don’t make it, or even if you do, make sure you stop by the other store, Petite Soif, in the new year!