Home » Woodland Park Zoo Kicks-Off Its Annual Fall Fecal Fest

Woodland Park Zoo Kicks-Off Its Annual Fall Fecal Fest

It’s time to get in on the lottery to purchase the precious poo of Zoo Doo. Photo provided by WPZ

For those who seek ways to nourish their garden with the most exotic and healthy compost available, the Woodland Park Zoo has opened the on-line sign-up for a chance to purchase Zoo Doo, in 10 to 100 gallon sizes.

Gardening enthusiasts (or simply those looking for a new way to enhance their yard) can apply on-line to win a chance to purchase this compost composed of feces contributed by a variety of the Zoo’s non-primate herbivores.  Zoo Doo contains rhinoceros, hippopotamus, tapir, pudu, mountain goat, giraffe, and zebra excrement, mixed by Dr. Doo, and made perfect for growing vegetables and annuals.

Zoo Doo consists of the feces of herbivore animals such as the Rhinoceros. Photo provided by Woodland Park Zoo

As an organization dedicated to conservation, Woodland Park Zoo is committed to reducing its own ecological footprint and educating others to do the same.  Zoo Doo is a central part of Woodland Park Zoo’s goal of increasing waste diversion, and a closed loop approach to resource management.

Learn more at Zoo.org/fecalfest, and enter to win a chance to purchase this aromatic and effective garden enhancer.  Everyone can enter one time, and entries will be randomly selected.  Enter on-line before September 17th, to pick-up the Zoo Doo Oct 1st – Oct 3rd.