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WPZ Asks For Help Funding Animal Care During Down Time

Even with its gates closed, the WPZ still cares for every animal at our world-class zoo! Photo by Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren, for WPZ

The Woodland Park Zoo closed to the public earlier this month, to help slow the spread of the Noval Coronavirus.  Yet, every day the Zoo is closed, critical funding is lost for nearly 1,000 animals.  Can you help? (click here.)

With Zoo gates closed, the loss of earned revenue in March is $1.9 million.  If the Zoo must stay closed through April, they could lose $2.2 million in crucial funding.  Open or closed, the Woodland Park dedicated animal care and veterinary teams care for the largest number of live animals in Washington State.

Even while closed, the WPZ animal care teams look after the well-being of the 1,000 creatures in the Zoo. Photo by Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgre for WPZ

“From our newest baby gorilla to our oldest animal, a 54-year-old parrot, every amazing creature at Woodland Park Zoo deserves the best possible care,” said WPZ President and CEO Alejandro Grajal, “But the very difficult reality is that our resources are not infinite and we need your support now more than ever.”

Gifts of any size make a difference.  Every dollar counts; no gift is too small.  WPZ depends on visitors, events and programs to fund animal care and conservation work.  Thank you for any support you can give, and for sharing this request – and the link to Zoo.org/relief – with all animal loving friends and neighbors!