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FAC Highlight Reel: Contemplating Change

by Kirby Lindsay, posted 20 January 2014


A large crowd gathered to discuss FAC business at the January 2014 COW meeting.  Photo by K. Lindsay
A large crowd gathered to discuss FAC business at the January 2014 COW meeting. Photo by K. Lindsay

During the announcements portion of the Fremont Arts Council (FAC) monthly Committee Of the Whole (COW) meeting, Board President Peter Toms reported that, after 17 years at 125 N 36th St, his business – Condor Electronics – has moved to a new location, at 4023 Aurora Avenue N.

This news, while largely irrelevant to FAC activities, showed an ability to change, even after many years – an echo of a sentiment heard frequently throughout the January 2014 COW meeting.

Executive Reports

Under Toms’ leadership, COW meetings now feature reports from the Treasurer, the Operations Manager and the President.  The Treasurer, being out-of-state, couldn’t report, but attendees did hear that the FAC Board has, once again, considered her request for a replacement.  The search for a volunteer has been unfruitful, and the Board has begun to consider paying a CPA or professional bookkeeper to do these tasks.

The FAC Powerhouse has a number of decorations including this undated note.  Photo by K. Lindsay, Jan '14
The FAC Powerhouse has a number of decorations including this undated note. Photo by K. Lindsay, Jan ’14

Operations Manager Kudra Migliaccio continues her efforts to keep the FAC website up-to-date, and has also been seeking a qualified website person – and has considered some slight payment.  She also wants to have a few short videos created on the activities/mission of the FAC for YouTube, to create, “a video wallet.”  This repeats another recent theme of the FAC – to make the resources and accomplishments of the organization more widely known and accessible.

Toms then highlighted that members have been regularly using The Powerhouse recently.

The Powerhouse – Policy & Cleaning

Over recent months, Board Member Susan Harper has attempted to draft a policy for use of The Powerhouse.  She reported on a few points still under contention.

FAC members do not want the space used for commercial manufacturing or sales – especially as it might interfere with usage by FAC members and artists, and conflict with policies of the landlord, the Seattle School District.  Yet, the definition between non-profit and for-profit has proven difficult to clarify.  That discussion raised another question – should the policy be absolutely clear and outline every contingency now, or vague and give the FAC an option to address each problem as it arises?

Also, the slight discussion of charging for use (it costs $5 an hour to operate the furnace, according to Toms, and materials inside workshop space have value as well,) brought forward another point of contention.  Some FAC members feel even a modest charge – $5 an hour – might prohibit some from using it, while others feel that the neighborhood, and FAC members, can afford something more substantial ($15.)

The policy returned to committee for further review, as a debate over clean-up began.  In December, the FAC hosted its annual Feast, and in its aftermath, decorations, art, dishware and cushions were removed from the Feast space (the former Stoneway Roofing building,) to The Powerhouse.

Volunteers spent days cleaning, sorting and storing materials – and trying to figure out how to return certain items back to their owners, or declare them abandoned – before starting their own art projects.  Then more volunteers arrived to ask the same questions about materials left by the artists.  This led to questions about what is mess and what is creation?

Board Member Maque daVis spoke strongly about the need for a “different ethic” towards The Powerhouse, and the off-site storage spaces.  Migliaccio suggested creating a sign in/sign out sheet to address the use/abuse of materials in the workshop.  This followed a suggestion about creating a usage calendar – one accessible to all, and not just those connected electronically or physically at the Powerhouse.

Board Elections

Elections for the FAC Board will take place over the next weeks, ending at the February 11th COW meeting.  No nominations from new candidates had been received, and only daVis had submitted a biography to show his interest in returning, from among standing Board Members.  Only FAC members in good standing as of this COW meeting were eligible to vote.

Proposal For Meeting Votes

Harper put forward a new proposal – to have votes at FAC COW meetings take place in the first two hours, before 9p.  The proposal met heavy opposition, and strong sympathy.  Most did agree that more consideration for the time of attendees, and a possible return to timing the agenda, would address this matter of etiquette.  Harper withdrew the proposal with smiling good-will.

Winter Feast Re-Cap

The FAC annual celebration of the Winter Solstice took place last month, and by all accounts they created one of the most beautiful, entertaining and successful of all parties.

Yet, discussion brought up more policy and planning concerns for the future.  Toms spoke of the need to find a location for the Feast earlier, to lessen the stress on volunteers, and to allow for more planning and preparation time.  Toms also reported that the 2013 Feast raised between $4000 – 5000 for the FAC.  He’d like to see that number increase, through planning and ticket sales.  FAC volunteer Gyan Davies expressed the opinion that some volunteers see the Feast primarily as a community celebration of the Solstice, not a fundraiser.

Davies had volunteered to manage the doors of the Feast, and she reported on a lack of policy there.  People came with invitations and/or tickets, and door staff were unaware of a difference.  Additionally, someone was assigned to sell tickets at the door, without notification to Davies.  She and her crew had volunteered for the early shift, but no one had been assigned to the late-night party portion.  daVis stepped in, and sold another estimated $1000 in tickets but, as he explained, “I wished I’d know what to expect as a volunteer.”

In the days leading up to the Feast, volunteers helped prepare the space, but they reported on a lack of opportunities, and a sense that their contributions were unnecessary.  Davies suggested a return to the idea of a Feast handbook to solve chronic problems like this one.


While listed on the agenda, the FAC COW put off discussion of funding until the next Board meeting, scheduled for the following Sunday, January 19th.  Essentially, the FAC needs funds, for general expenses as well as the upcoming 2014 Solstice Parade.

To learn more about the Parade, the Arts Council, and changes under contemplation, come join the next COW on Feburary 11th at 7p at The Powerhouse.  Anyone can be a member of the Committee Of the Whole – just show up and participate!



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©2014 Kirby Lindsay.  This column is protected by intellectual property laws, including U.S. copyright laws.  Reproduction, adaptation or distribution without permission is prohibited.
