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City Gov

PLEASE VOTE!! Exercise Your Rights By November 8th

On Tuesday, November 8th, election ballots are due, by mail or in one of the many drop boxes by 8p, including the one closest to Fremont – in front of the Ballard Branch Library at 5614 – 22nd Ave NW. Please exercise your rights, as protected by the extraordinary men and women of our U.S. Armed Forces. Remember, our children’s futures depend on the decisions we make today.

Call For Art Submissions For Seattle Presents Gallery On Homelessness Theme

For an 180-square-foot storefront in the Seattle Municipal Tower, called the Seattle Presents Gallery, the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture is seeking four artists/artist teams to develop and coordinate a social practice/community engaged project. The projects must address homelessness, gentrification and/or displacement, and will culminate in a two-month exhibition between the months of February and September 2017.