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City Gov

Please Vote! Return Your Completed Ballot Today!

Please vote by August 2nd! Registered voters should have received a ballot in mid-July, and right now is an excellent time to sit down and fill it out – and mail it or drop it in a King County ballot drop-box (the closest to Fremont is at the Ballard Branch Library,) by Tuesday, August 2nd.

Funding Available For PARK(ing) Day Plus

On September 16th & 17th, Seattle PARK(ing) Day returns, when local people can find creative uses for public street parking spaces, for relaxation and motivation. Right now, through the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Small Sparks Fund, those who want to create a temporary pop-up park can get up to $1,000 in matching funds to support design and creation of a one-of-a-kind, one-day public space. Deadline for applications, for funds and to participate in PARK(ing) Day, is August 5th.