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LUDC Contemplates Its Future, And Other City Matters

At its September 19th meeting, the Lake Union District Council (LUDC) heard about Denny Way street closures, possible street improvement projects in Wallingford (& Fremont,) and the entirely unsure and unstable future of the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, the entire City District Council network and the geographically unique LUDC.

Early Design Given On 900 N 34th St Redevelopment

On Monday, August 8th, neighbors filled a meeting room at the Good Shepherd Center to hear about, and comment on, a proposed 7-story office building for 900 N 34th St, to be built under the Living Building Pilot Program. This would be the third building built under this program (and the second in Fremont,) which requires the structure to meet very high, very strict standards of energy conservation and sustainability.

Come Give Input & Action Ideas To The Fremont Neighborhood Council

Fremont residents, and all Fremont Neighborhood Council (FNC) members, are encouraged to attend the June 27th FNC meeting, starting at 7p at Doric Lodge #92. Throughout the meeting, our community will be given opportunities to learn about area projects and give feedback on what we want for Fremont, and our Neighborhood Council.