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Kirby Lindsay Laney

Kirby has been in Fremont for a lifetime, as a resident, employee, employer, and playmate. She's served on the Fremont Chamber of Commerce, the Fremont Neighborhood Council and the Fremont Arts Council, and can be seen wandering the Center of the Universe year 'round. When it comes to Fremont, she likes to say she's full of it!

Best Of Fremont 2016 Award Winners Announced!!

Each year Fremocentrist.com readers, and other supporters of the Fremont community, vote on their choices for Best Business, Best Citizen and Best Non-Profit Organization (or Project) in the last year. This year, thanks to the Fremont Branch Library, more people than ever were able to cast a paper ballot, in addition to those sent by e-mail directly to the Fremocentrist.com office.

Getting Arty With Fremont First Friday Art Walk

On Friday, February 3rd, from 6p – 9p, the Fremont First Friday Art Walk offers a chance to stroll and scope out the selection of art, and artists, available at area shops and restaurants. This monthly, free exploration of assorted Fremont art venues gives everyone a chance for an injection of culture and inspiration.