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Aurora Bridge Repainting Delayed Due To… Life!

A pair of red-tailed hawks built a nest on the support structure of the SR99 George Washington Memorial Bridge (a.k.a. Aurora Bridge), laid an egg and now further work painting and restoring the historic bridge will wait as the hawkling grows strong.

Northlake Way Retaining Wall In Urgent Need Of Repairs

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has done routine structural analysis and safety assessment of the 68-year-old retaining wall along North Northlake Way, and engineers have established that important steps must be taken to reduce the load on the wall and prevent further deterioration.

Repainting Aurora Bridge Work Resumes This Spring

This spring, contractors will continue repainting the historic, 87-year-old George Washington Memorial (a.k.a. Aurora) Bridge for the Washington State Department of Transportation. It will take about 15,000 gallons of paint, and about two more years, to complete the cleaning and repainting of the steel structure.

Submit Ideas For Parks & Streets Improvements by Feb 2nd

It is time to submit ideas and proposals to the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods on ways we can improve our streets and parks, through the ‘Your Voice, Your Choice’ (YVYC) initiative. This year, $3,000,000 will be spent on small-scale improvements, submitted by us and our neighbors, between now and February 2nd.